Archive for the ‘Fitness’ Category

Glutathione – Master Anti-Oxidant offers the Competitive Edge

anti-aging, Fitness, nutrition, performance, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin August 30th, 2010

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione simply put is the “Master Antioxidant” in your body. Increasing glutathione levels will naturally increase your energy, detoxify your body and strengthen your immune system.

Research has shown that individuals that have low glutathione levels are susceptible to chronic illness including heart conditions, cancers, diabetes, seizures disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease to name a few. Our glutathione levels begin to decline at the age of 20 and do so at a rate of 8%-12% per decade.


Aging is the accumulation of changes in an organism overtime. Oxidation damage is now recognized as being the key feature of much of the aging processes that our bodies endure. The key to living better is to resist age related deterioration due to oxidation. Recent studies have shown that glutathione play a key role in reducing the oxidation process (antioxidant) and protecting our bodies against free radicals. Supplements that increase glutathione, may be a way for us to protect our bodies against the aging process.

Sports Enhancement

Many world-class athletes are discovering the importance of glutathione, which when maintained, gives them the edge over the competition. Increased glutathione levels provides athletes with increased strength and endurance, decreased recovery time from injury, less pain and fatigue and possibly an increase in muscle-promoting activities.

Athletes use glutathione for sports performance and recovery from their strenuous workouts. Up until very recently there was not a efficient way to get glutathione into our bodies other than intravenous (IV).

During workouts, athletes generate free radicals which in turn lead to muscle fatigue and poorer performance. Glutathione neutralizes these radicals and allows our bodies to recover faster.


Should Glutathione be a part of our exercise routine?

Free radicals are produced during normal cellular metabolism and increase when we exercise. These free radicals react within the cells by a process called oxidation and can result in inflammation to accumulate with our bodies. Overtime this inflammation accumulates within the cell and decreases the function of the cell and eventually leads to cellular death unless we have a way of reversing the process. To fight this cellular destruction our body uses an antioxidant, and the “Master Antioxidant” in the body is Glutathione.

Several studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of glutathione in protecting our bodies tissues from free radicals and exercise induced stress. Increasing Glutathione can increase energy, decrease recovery time and provide our cells with the tools so that they can function at an optimal level.


Bioavailable glutathione enhancement option link here:

Water: How much needed for health & optimal athletic performance?

Fitness, nutrition, performance, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin June 27th, 2010

Water is absolutely critical to our body which comprises about 75% water; the brain has 85%, blood 90%, lungs 90%, muscles 75%, kidney 82% and even bones has 22%.  Basically, we are made of water!

Water dissolves the many valuable nutrients, minerals, and chemicals in the biological processes and transports them to different parts of our body. The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream. Water is just as important in the transport of waste and toxins out of our bodies. Without the replenishment of fresh water, our body will fail to function, start to waste away, and finally collapse. An adult loses about 2.5 liters water every day through perspiration, breathing, and elimination (urine and feces), and when the body loses 5% of its total water volume, symptoms of dehydration such as thirst, reduced mental concentration, blurred vision, muscle cramps, unexplained tiredness, irritation, dark urine, will begin to show up.

The consequence of consuming insufficient water can be devastating to our body. The cells will start to draw water from the bloodstream instead, causing the heart to work harder. At the same time, when the kidneys fail to cleanse the blood effectively due to inadequate water, the liver and other organs will have to work harder, putting them under extra stress. Continuous water loss over time will speed up aging but increase risks of diseases and health issues such as constipation, dry and itchy skin, acne, nosebleeds, urinary tract infection, coughs, sneezing, sinus pressure, and headaches.

So, how much water should you drink a day? How much water is enough for you? The minimum amount of water you need depends on our body weight. As a general guide, for two pounds of body weight, an ounce of water is required.  So, if you are 60kg (1 kg is 2.54 lbs), you should drink about 2 liters of water every day.

Specifics of Understanding:

  • Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water. Several approaches attempt to approximate water needs for the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate.
  • Replacement approach.  The average urine output for adults is about 1.5 liters (6.3 cups) a day.  You lose close to an additional liter of water a day through breathing, sweating and bowel movements.  Food usually accounts for 20 percent of your total fluid intake, so if you consume 2 liters of water or other beverages a day (a little more than 8 cups) along with your normal diet, you will typically replace the lost fluids.
  • Eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.  Another approach to water intake is the “8 x 8 rule” — drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (about 1.9 liters). The rule could also be stated, “drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day,” as all fluids count toward the daily total.  Though the approach isn’t supported by scientific evidence, many people use this basic rule as a guideline for how much water and other fluids to drink.
  • Dietary recommendations. The Institute of Medicine advises that men consume roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day and women consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day. Even apart from the above approaches, if you drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce 1.5 liters (6.3 cups) or more of colorless or slightly yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate. Factors that influence water needs: You may need to modify your total fluid intake depending on how active you are, the climate you live in, your health status, and if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding.
  • Exercise. If you exercise or engage in any activity that makes you sweat, you need to drink extra water to compensate for the fluid loss. An extra 400 to 600 milliliters (about 1.5 to 2.5 cups) of water should suffice for short bouts of exercise, but intense exercise lasting more than an hour (for example, running a marathon) requires more fluid intake. How much additional fluid you need depends on how much you sweat during exercise, the duration of your exercise and the type of activity you’re engaged in? During long bouts of intense exercise, it’s best to use a sports drink that contains sodium, as this will help replace sodium lost in sweat and reduce the chances of developing hyponatremia, which can be life-threatening. Also, continue to replace fluids after you’re finished exercising.
  • Environment. Hot or humid weather will make you sweat and requires additional intake of fluid. Heated indoor air also can cause your skin to lose moisture during wintertime. Further, altitudes greater than 8,200 feet (2,500 meters) may trigger increased urination and more rapid breathing, which use up more of your fluid reserves.
  • Illnesses or health conditions. Signs of illnesses, such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea, cause your body to lose additional fluids. In these cases you should drink more water and may even need oral rehydration solutions, such as Gatorade or Poweraid supplements.  Also, you may need increased fluid intake if you develop certain conditions, including bladder infections or urinary tract stones. On the other hand, some conditions such as heart failure and some types of kidney, liver and adrenal diseases may impair excretion of water and even require that you limit your fluid intake.
  • Pregnancy or breast-feeding. Women who are expecting or breast-feeding need additional fluids to stay hydrated. Large amounts of fluid are used especially when nursing. The Institute of Medicine recommends that pregnant women drink 2.3 liters (about 10 cups) of fluids daily and women who breast-feed consume 3.1 liters (about 13 cups) of fluids a day.
  • Other sources.  Although it’s a great idea to keep water within reach at all times, you don’t need to rely only on what you drink to satisfy your fluid needs. What you eat also provides a significant portion of your fluid needs. On average, food provides about 20 percent of total water intake, while the remaining 80 percent comes from water and beverages of all kinds. For example: many fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon and tomatoes, are 90 percent to 100 percent water by weight. Beverages such as milk and juice also are composed mostly of water. Even beer, wine and caffeinated beverages — such as coffee, tea or soda — can contribute, but these should not be a major portion of your daily total fluid intake. Water is one of your best hydration source because it’s calorie-free, inexpensive and naturally available.
  • When to hydrate?   It’s generally not a good idea to use thirst alone as a guide for when to drink. By the time you become thirsty, it’s possible to already be slightly dehydrated. Further, be aware that as you get older your body is less able to sense dehydration and send your brain signals of thirst. Excessive thirst and increased urination can be signs of a more serious medical condition. Talk to your doctor if you experience either. To ward off dehydration and make sure your body has the fluids it needs, make water your beverage of choice. Nearly every healthy adult can consider the following: Drink a glass of water with each meal and between each meal. Hydrate before, during and after exercise. Substitute sparkling water for alcoholic drinks at social gatherings. If you drink water from a bottle, thoroughly clean or replace the bottle often to avoid disease and infections.


Drinking too much water?

  • Though uncommon, it is possible to drink too much water. When your kidneys are unable to excrete the excess water, the electrolyte (mineral) content of the blood is diluted, resulting in low sodium levels in the blood, a condition called hyponatremia. Endurance athletes, such as marathon runners, who drink large amounts of water, are at higher risk of hyponatremia. In general, though, drinking too much water is rare in healthy adults who consume an average American diet. If you’re concerned about your fluid intake, check with your doctor or a registered dietitian. He or she can help you determine the amount of water that’s best for you.


Staying safely hydrated

Resources:  The Mayo Clinic &
Ruth Tan, Health & Nutritional Analyst

Vitamin D – Its Role in Health & Optimal Athletic Performance

Fitness, nutrition, performance, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin May 24th, 2010

There are a pandemic number of people who are vitamin D deficient.  This has become evident due to increased discovery and sharing of documentation from clinical trials, epidemiological studies, and educational journals.  The end results from an alarming and growing number due to lack of sunshine exposure and inadequate supply of vitamin D from daily food intake.   This added to obesity trends, an aging population, and improved skin products that block formation of vitamin D3.  Until recently, vitamin D was understood to be solely related to bone mineralization and calcium utilization in the body.   Further studies have revealed vitamin D to play a leading role in many additional cell processes.  More than 36 cell types and 10 extra renal organs have been discovered to possess the vitamin D receptor, or VDR. Insufficient vitamin D is related to reduced immunological conditions, cancers of the breast, colon, pancreas, and prostate as well as heart diseases, type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive impairment, and all cause mortality.  This impressive collection of medical conditions accounts for more than 60% of all deaths in the Western World.

What is Vitamin D?

A fat soluble pro-hormone, vitamin D is a seco-steroid which exists in two forms:  vitamin D2 & vitamin D3.  Vitamin D2 is obtained from yeast and plant material, vitamin D3 is produced endogenously in the skin by the photo-chemical conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol. Vitamin D circulates in the body bound to the vitamin D binding protein, or VDBP.  Both vitamin D2 and D3 are converted to the biomarker 25-hydoxyvitamin [D (25(OH)D] in the liver and undergoes further hydroxylation in the kidneys to the bio-active form of the hormone 1,25(OH)2D.

The Frequency of vitamin D Deficiency:

The March 2010 issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism points towards an overwhelming 59% of people that are vitamin D insufficient.  This was based on a cross-sectional study designed to establish a relationship between serum 25(OH)D and the degree of fat penetration in muscle.  These results have been duplicated as well in several independent studies of people from all over the United States in recent months.

Adverse Outcomes of Vitamin D Insufficiency:

Presence of 1,25(OH)2D and vitamin D receptors (VDR) in a wide variety of tissues ranging from pancreas, colon, brain, liver, muscle, skin and lung  speaks of its newly found broad involvement in the functionality of bodily systems.  Published literature over several years indicates that the non-bone mineralization effects of vitamin D are autocrine, not endocrine.  Thus, implying these functions are not based or derived for the amount of circulating 1,25(OH)2D in the body, but rather due to the intracellular synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D by these tissues.  Studies also indicate that the levels of 1,25(OH)2D required for these non-calcemic functions are higher than the levels of normal serum 1,25(OH)2D. 

Epidemiological evidences have linked deprived levels of vitamin D conditions to osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, obesity, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, type I diabetes and several cancers.  Vitamin is also effective in maintaining low susceptibility to infections including pulmonary diseases.


Vitamin D has been shown to have an extensive area of biological influence due to the discovery of VDR and its conversion in several body tissues.  Health, strength and athletic performance can be optimized by measuring the residual levels of vitamin D at the cellular level to determine the degree of insufficiencies in order to adjust diets and nutritional supplements which directly influences athletic strength and recovery time.

Contact us for information on measuring residual vitamins & minerals by functional intracellular analysis at the cellular level – which is directly proportional to the body stores . . .

Reference:  Ray J, Meike W. D-Light: Vitamin D and Good Health. MLO. 2010;42(5):32-38

Vitamin D – Maintains Health & Athletic Performance . . .

Fitness, performance, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin April 16th, 2010

Vitamin D is an often overlooked nutritional element in athletic achievement, a sleeper nutrient, says John Anderson, a professor emeritus of nutrition at the University of North Carolina regarding Vitamin D and athletic performance. Vitamin D once was thought to be primarily involved in bone development. But a growing body of research suggests that it’s vital in multiple different bodily functions, including allowing body cells to utilize calcium (which is essential for cell metabolism), muscle fibers to develop and grow normally, and the immune system to function properly. Almost every cell in the body has receptors for Vitamin D, Anderson says.  It can up-regulate and down-regulate hundreds, maybe even thousands of genes.   D. Enette Larson-Meyer, an assistant professor in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at the University of Wyoming says we’re only at the start of understanding how important it is.

But many of us, it seems, no matter how active and scrupulous we are about health, don’t get enough Vitamin D. Nowadays, many people aren’t going outside very much and most of us assiduously apply sunscreen and take other precautions when we do.

Meanwhile, dietary sources of Vitamin D are meager. Cod-liver oil provides a whopping dose. But a glass of fortified milk provides a fraction of what scientists now think we need per day. A study published online in the journal Pediatrics in 2009 concluded that more than 60 percent of American children, or almost 51 million kids, have insufficient levels of Vitamin D and another 9 percent, or 7.6 million children, are clinically deficient, a serious condition. Cases of childhood rickets, a bone disease caused by lack of Vitamin D, have been rising in the U.S. in recent years.

Although few studies have looked closely at the issue of Vitamin D and athletic performance, those that have are suggestive. A series of strange but evocative studies undertaken decades ago in Russia and Germany, for instance, hint that the Eastern Bloc nations may have depended in part on sunlamps and Vitamin D to produce their preternaturally well-muscled and world-beating athletes. In one of the studies, four Russian sprinters were doused with artificial, ultraviolet light. Another group wasn’t. Both trained identically for the 100-meter dash. The control group lowered their sprint times by 1.7 percent. The radiated runners, by comparison, improved by an impressive 7.4 percent.

More recently, when researchers tested the vertical jumping ability of a small group of adolescent athletes, Larson-Meyer says, they found that those who had the lowest levels of Vitamin D tended not to jump as high, intimating that too little of the nutrient may impair muscle power. Low levels might also contribute to sports injuries, in part because Vitamin D is so important for bone and muscle health. In a Creighton University study of female naval recruits, stress fractures were reduced significantly after the women started taking supplements of Vitamin D and calcium.

Recent studies have shown that, among athletes who train outside year-round, maximal oxygen intake tends to be highest in late summer. The athletes, in other words, are fittest in August, when ultraviolet radiation from the sun is near its zenith. They often then experience an abrupt drop in maximal oxygen intake, beginning as early as September, even though they continue to train just as hard. This decline coincides with the autumnal lengthening of the angle of sunlight. Less ultraviolet radiation reaches the earth and, apparently, sports performance suffers.

Can Vitamin D Improve Athletic Performance?

The active form of vitamin D is a steroid (actually a secosteroid) in the same way that testosterone is a steroid. It is also a hormone (hormone: Greek, meaning: to set in motion) in the same way that growth hormone is a hormone. Steroid hormones are substances made from cholesterol that circulate in the body and work at distant sites by setting in motion genetic protein transcription. That is, both vitamin D and testosterone set in motion your genome, the stuff of life. While testosterone is a sex steroid hormone, vitamin D is a pleomorphic steroid hormone.

If you are vitamin D deficient, the medical literature indicates that the right amount of vitamin D will make you faster, stronger, improve your balance and timing, etc. How much it will improve your athletic ability depends on how deficient you are to begin with. How good an athlete you will be depends on your innate ability, training, and dedication?

However, peak athletic performance also depends upon the neuromuscular cells in your body and brain having unfettered access to the steroid hormone, activated vitamin D. How much activated vitamin D is available to your brain, muscle, and nerves depends on the amount of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in your residual stores. In turn, how much 25-hydroxyvitamin D is in your residual stores depends on how much vitamin D you put in your mouth or how often you expose your skin to UVB light?


The New York Times, Health – Fitness & Nutrition, 09/23/2009
Vitamin D Council:

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Quercetin – May Increase Aerobic Endurance & Protect Health

Fitness, performance, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin March 16th, 2010

Quercetin is a phytochemical that is part of the coloring found in the skins of apples and red onions. It has been isolated and is sold as a dietary supplement.

Healthy body:

Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant. It is also a natural anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory. Research has shown quercetin may help to prevent cancer, especially prostate cancer. Quercetin’s antihistamine action may help to relieve allergic symptoms and asthma symptoms. The anti-inflammatory properties may help to reduce pain from disorders such as arthritis. Men who are concerned about prostate problems would also benefit from quercetin. Quercetin may also help reduce symptoms like fatigue, depression and anxiety. Another study has investigated the protection afforded by the flavonoid quercetin against macular degeneration. The macula is the yellowish, central part of the retina about 1.5 mm in diameter that produces central vision and color vision. Macular degeneration is the gradual, progressive destruction of the macula that results in lowered central visual acuity needed for most everyday activities, like reading this article. It leads to permanent blindness

Quercetin may not be a household word —

But a study by researchers at the University of South Carolina’s Arnold School of Public Health shows that the powerful antioxidant/anti-inflammatory compound found in fruits and vegetables significantly boosts endurance capacity and maximal oxygen capacity (VO2max) in healthy, active but untrained men and women.
The findings of the study – one of the first in humans to examine the energy-boosting effects of quercetin are reported in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.

Dr. Mark Davis, the study’s lead author and a professor of exercise science, said the fatigue-fighting and health properties of quercetin – found in the skins of red apples, red onions, berries and grapes – have implications not only for athletes and soldiers whose energy and performance are tested to the extreme, but also for average adults who battle fatigue and stress daily.

“The natural, biological properties of quercetin that include powerful antioxidant and anti-imflammatory activity, as well as the ability to boost the immune system and increase mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell) in muscle and brain is great news for those who often think that they’re too tired to exercise,”

Davis said. “While there’s no magic pill to make people get up and move, or to take the place of regular exercise, quercetin may be important in relieving the fatigue that keeps them sedentary and in providing some of the benefits of exercise,” he said. “We believe that this could be a major breakthrough in nutrition.”

For the study, funded in part by the U.S. Department of Defense, 12 participants were randomly assigned to one of two treatments. Half were given 500 milligrams of quercetin twice a day in Tang for seven days. The other subjects drank Tang with placebos. After the seven days of treatment, during which the subjects were told not to alter their physical activity, the participants rode stationary bicycles to the point of fatigue.

Researchers also tested their additional VO2max, one of the most important measures of fitness. Then the participants received the opposite treatment for another seven days before riding the bicycle to the point of fatigue and VO2max tests. Neither the participants nor the research staff knew who received the quercetin Tang or the placebo Tang, and all subjects took part in the quercetin and placebo treatments.

“The participants were healthy, relatively active, college-age students, but they were not physically trained athletes, and they were not taking part in a regular exercise training program,” he said. The results: After taking quercetin for only seven days, the participants had a 13.2 percent increase in endurance and a 3.9 percent increase in VO2max. “These were statistically significant effects that indicate an important improvement in endurance capacity in a very short time,” Davis said. “Quercetin supplementation was able to mimic some of the effects of exercise training.

Although the study did not examine why the results were so dramatic, Davis said pre-clinical data suggest that quercetin may increase the mitochondria in brain and muscle cells. He likened the mitochondria to the “powerhouse of the cell,” producing most of its energy. Mitochondria in brain and muscle also are believed to be fundamentally important in battling age-related dementia, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular dysfunction.

“One of the most important biological mechanisms for increasing endurance is increasing the mitochondria,” said Davis. “More mitochondria in the brain and muscle would enhance both mental and physical energy, as well as provide a better ability to fight other diseases in which mitochondrial dysfunction are hallmarks.”
Quercetin also appears to have valuable properties to fight inflammation, which has been linked to health problems such as colon cancer and heart disease. Davis’ research group has recently received a National Institutes of Health grant to study quercetin’s effects on colon cancer and others are pending that involve breast cancer. “If the findings of this study and others on the biological mechanisms of quercetin are confirmed in future clinical studies, the implications go beyond improvements in endurance,” he said. “We may find that quercetin may work in conjunction with regular physical activity as an ally in preventing and treating diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases and the degenerative diseases of aging.”

Reference: University of South Carolina’s Arnold School of Public Health

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Leptin: How Diabetes & Obesity are Linked?

Fitness, nutrition | Posted by admin January 21st, 2010

Like two peas in a pod, the obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemics have joined forces in an attempt to ravage America’s health … and it’s working, as hundreds of millions of people have been significantly affected by this deadly pair.

But how are these two epidemics intertwined? Popular belief is that if one eats too much sugar, they’ll get fat and develop diabetes; and, if they don’t get diabetes it’s merely because their body is producing enough insulin to keep up with the sugar. However, researchers have discovered evidence that there’s more to the obesity-diabetes connection than this classic way of thinking: The missing link? Leptin.

Leptin is the way that your fat stores speak to your brain to let your brain know how much energy is available and, very importantly, what to do with it. Studies have shown that leptin plays significant if not primary roles in heart disease, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, reproductive disorders, and perhaps the rate of aging itself. Many chronic diseases are now linked to excess inflammation such as heart disease and diabetes. High leptin levels are very pro-inflammatory, and leptin also helps to mediate the manufacture of other very potent inflammatory chemicals from fat cells that also play a significant role in the progression of heart disease and diabetes.

Leptin: A Key Player in Your Health

Leptin plays a far more important role in your health than, for instance, cholesterol, however few doctors are taught to pay attention to it, or even know much about it. Leptin’s critical importance is largely unknown to the medical community because there are no known drugs that regulate its activities and therefore there is no incentive to spend money to educate doctors about leptin’s crucial role in health and disease. The only known way to reestablish proper leptin (and insulin) signaling is via diet and, as such, these can have a more profound effect on your health than any other
known modality of medical treatment. New studies support prior studies that have shown the brain and liver to be of paramount importance in regulating your blood sugar levels especially in type 2 or insulin resistant diabetes. It had been previously believed that the insulin sensitivity of muscle and fat tissues were the most important factor in determining whether one would become diabetic or not. It should be noted that leptin plays a vital role in regulating your brain’s hypothalamic activity which in turn regulates much of our “autonomic” functions; those functions that you don’t necessarily think about but which determines much of your life (and health) such as:

•Body temperature
•Heart rate
•Stress response
•Fat burning or storage
•Reproductive behavior and
•Newly discovered roles in bone growth and blood sugar levels

These studies also illustrate the complexity of hormonal orchestration. Especially with very important hormones like insulin and leptin with far ranging effects, a particular cell can be resistant to one effect while the other stays intact. For instance, it had been shown previously that cells may become resistant to the effects of insulin on glucose influx (which may be protective in limiting the amount of glucose entering cells and thus intracellular glycation), while that same cell may not become resistant to the effects of insulin on cellular proliferation that tell cells to multiply, as these are mediated by two separate pathways. Thus a person with high insulin levels, being insulin resistant in regards to glucose, would still be at a much higher risk of cancer, and this indeed is what happens; high insulin levels are associated with many common forms of cancer. Also, different organ systems become resistant at different rates. Therefore, just taking or artificially raising (by drugs) insulin, and/or leptin, will not correct the problems in the orchestration of the signals, any more than playing the tuba louder will fix mistakes in the written music. However a strategic diet that emphasizes good fats and avoids blood sugar spikes coupled with targeted supplements to enhance insulin and leptin sensitivity by resensitizing your cell’s ability to hear hormonal messages correctly, will allow your life to be the symphony it was meant to be.

Reference: Dr.Ron Rosedale
Cell Metabolism March 2005; Vol 1, 169-178 (Free Full-Text Article)

University of Michigan Study

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Manipulating The Glycemic Index Diet – The Winning Edge ???

Fitness, nutrition, performance, Recovery - Repair, strength | Posted by admin November 4th, 2009

A high-carbohydrate training diet is a must for optimum sports performance because it produces the biggest stores of muscle glycogen. Unlike the fat stores in the body, which can release almost unlimited amounts of fatty acids, the carbohydrate stores are small. They are fully depleted after two or three hours of strenuous exercise. This depletion of carbohydrate stores is called “hitting the wall.” The blood glucose concentration begins to decline at this point. If exercise continues as the same rate, blood glucose may drop to levels that interfere with brain function and cause disorientation and unconsciousness.

All else being equal, the eventual winner is the person with the largest stores of muscle glycogen. It is important to maximize your muscle glycogen stores by ingesting a high-carbohydrate training diet and by carb loading in the days prior to the competition.

There are times when low G.I. foods provide an advantage and times when high G.I. are better. For best performance a serious athlete needs to learn which foods have high and low G.I. factors and when to eat them. Understanding the glycemic index and making the best food choices can give you an advantage.

Low-GI Foods: Before the Event
Low-GI foods have been proven to extend endurance when eaten alone one or two hours before prolonged strenuous exercise. Low-GI foods are best eaten about two hours before the big event –so that the meal will have left the stomach but will remain in the small intestine, slowly releasing glucose energy, for hours afterwards. The slow rate and steady stream of glucose trickles into the bloodstream during the event. Most importantly, the extra glucose will still be available toward the end of the exercise, when muscle stores are running close to empty. In this way, low-GI foods increase endurance and prolong the time before exhaustion hits.

When a pre-event meal of lentils (low GI value) was compared with one of potatoes (high GI value), cyclists were able to continue cycling at high intensity (65 percent of their maximum capacity) for twenty minutes longer when the meal had a low G value. Their blood-glucose and insulin levels were still above fasting levels at the end of exercise, indicating that carbohydrates were continuing to be absorbed from the small intestine even after ninety minutes of strenuous exercise.

In any sport context, it’s critical to select low-GI foods that do not cause gastrointestinal discomfort (stomach cramps, etc.). Some low-GI foods, such as legumes that are high in fiber or ingestible sugars, may produce symptoms in people not use to eating large amounts of them. There are plenty of low-fiber, low-GI choices, including pasta, noodles, and Basmati rice.

High- GI Foods: During and After the Event
While the pre-event meal should have a low GI value, scientific evidence indicates that there are times when high-GI foods are preferable. This includes during the event, after the event, and after normal training sessions. This is because high-GI foods are absorbed faster and stimulate more insulin, the hormone responsible for getting glucose back into the muscles for either immediate or future use.

During the event
High-GI foods should be used during events lasting longer than ninety minutes. This form of carbohydrate is rapidly released into the bloodstream and ensures that glucose is available for oxidation in the muscle cells. Liquid foods are usually tolerated better than solid foods, for endurance racing for example, because they are emptied more quickly from the stomach. Sports drinks are ideal during the race because they replace water and electrolytes as well. If you feel hungry for something solid during a race, try jelly beans (GI value of 80) or another form of high-glucose candy. Consume 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrate per hour during the event.

After the event (recovery)
In some competitive sports, athletes compete on consecutive days, and glycogen stores need to be at their maximum each time. Here it is important to restock the glycogen store in the muscles as quickly as possible after each day’s events. High-GI foods are best in this situation. Muscles are more sensitive to glucose in the bloodstream in the first hour after exercise, so a concerted effort should be made to get as many high-GI foods in as soon as possible.

Suggested foods include most of the sports drinks which replace water and electrolyte losses, or high-GI rice (e.g., jasmine), breads, and breakfast cereals such as cornflakes or rice krispies. Potatoes cooked without fat are good choice too but their high satiety means it is hard to eat lots of them.

Carbohydrate Loading For Training & Understanding
Why This Is Important…

It’s not just your pre- and post-event meals that influence your performance. Very active people need to eat much larger amounts of carbohydrates than inactive people. Consuming a high-carbohydrate diet every day will help you reach peak performance. When athletes fail to consume adequate carbohydrates each day, muscle and liver glycogen stores eventually become depleted. Dr. Ted Costill at the University of Texas showed that the gradual and chronic depletion of stored glycogen may decrease endurance and exercise performance. Intense workouts two to three times a day draw heavily on the athlete’s muscle glycogen stores. Athletes on low-carbohydrate diet will not perform their best because muscle stores of fuel are low.
If the diet provides inadequate amounts of carbohydrate, the reduction in muscle glycogen will be critical. An athlete training heavily should consume about 500 to 800 grams of carbohydrate a day (about two to three times normal) to help prevent carbohydrate depletion. Typically, American adults consume between 200 to 250 grams of carbohydrates each day.

Could a High-GI Diet Be Harmful to Athletes?

By virtue of their high activity levels, athletes have optimal insulin sensitivity. When they eat high-carbohydrate, high-GI foods, blood glucose and insulin levels rise far less in them than in the average person. This also provides the athlete with a bonus by not exposing their bodies to dangerous levels of blood glucose which produce disease in sedentary, insulin resistant individuals.

Adapted from the Book: The New Glucose Revolution
Written by: Jennie Brand-Miller, PhD
Thomas M.S. Wolever, MD PhD
Stephen Colagiuri, MD
Kaye Foster-Powell, M Nutr & Diet

Probiotics Combat Fatigue Problems in Athletes

Fitness, performance, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin August 19th, 2009

Many athletes suffering from fatigue have an immune defect that can be reversed by taking probiotic supplements (which are believed to help fight illness by improving the balance of bacteria in the gut).

That’s the implication of a new study from Australia, which examined 27 well-trained recreational athletes, nine of whom had referred themselves to a medical sports clinic omplaining of fatigue, recurrent sore throats and impaired performance. The remaining 18 athletes served as a healthy ‘control’ group.

The fatigued athletes showed signs of reactivated infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) – a very common virus that doesn’t normally cause symptoms. They also showed significant impairment in the function of their blood T-cells, which play an important role in the body’s immune decencies.

Review of the illness records of the fatigued athletes showed
features consistent with a syndrome of re-activated EBV infection compared with the healthy control athletes. The fatigued athletes had more frequent and protracted episodes of upper respiratory tract symptoms, usually linked to periods of intense training.

All the athletes took a four-week course of the probiotic supplement L acidophilus. At the end of the month the T-cell function of the fatigued athletes had climbed back up to the levels found in the healthy athletes. They also showed significantly reduced evidence of EBV infection. Encouragingly, the healthy athletes also showed signs of improved immune function after taking the probiotic supplement for a month.

The researchers have called for larger, more protracted studies to support their findings. But meanwhile they point out: ‘This is the first evidence of a T-cell defect in fatigued athletes, and of its reversal following probiotic therapy.’

Br J Sports Med 2006;40:351-354

Resveratrol: A Key for High Performance: Health & Endurance . . .

Fitness, performance, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin August 10th, 2009

A drug based on resveratrol, a phytonutrient found in red wine, may double exercise endurance, fight obesity and prolong life, according to a new study by French researchers.

Dr. Johan Auwerx and colleagues from the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology in Illkirch, France, recently conducted an animal study to test the effects of high doses of resveratrol on exercise endurance in mice.

A typical laboratory mouse can run roughly one kilometer on a treadmill before it collapses from exhaustion. Auwerx supplemented a group of mice with up to 400 mg of resveratrol per kilo of body weight, and found that the mice were then able to run twice as far as the mice that were not supplemented. The resveratrol mice were also found to have energy-charged muscles and a lower heart rate, much like trained athletes.

Resveratrol makes you look like a trained athlete without the training, Auwerx said.

Auwerx believes that the results of his animal study published online in the journal Cell could be replicated in humans, based on the results of a Finnish study that analyzed the gene that is influenced by the resveratrol drug. Previous studies of mice have indicated that moderate-to-high doses of resveratrol can activate a genetic mechanism that protects against the degenerative diseases of aging, as well as prolong life span by up to 30 percent.

Auwerx believes resveratrol can help offset the negative health effects of high-fat diets which can lead to the onset of metabolic disorder and diabetes by increasing the number of mitochondria in the body’s muscle cells. Extra mitochondria, organelles that generate energy, were found to help mice burn more fat and remodel muscle fibers to more closely resemble those of trained athletes.

Though resveratrol is present in red wine and some other foods, the concentrations used in Auwerx’ study were much higher than could ever be obtained through red wine consumption.

More research on resveratrol is needed before possible drug therapies to combat obesity and diabetes-related disorders can be developed.

Ref: (NaturalNews)

Leptin: How Diabetes & Obesity Are Linked –

Fitness, nutrition | Posted by admin July 5th, 2009

Like two peas in a pod, the obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemics have joined forces in an attempt to ravage America’s health … and it’s working, as hundreds of millions of people have been significantly affected by this deadly pair.

But how are these two epidemics intertwined? Popular belief is that if one eats too much sugar, they’ll get fat and develop diabetes; and, if they don’t get diabetes it’s merely because their body is producing enough insulin to keep up with the sugar. However, researchers have discovered evidence that there’s more to the obesity-diabetes connection than this classic way of thinking: The missing link? Leptin.

Leptin is the way that your fat stores speak to your brain to let your brain know how much energy is available and, very importantly, what to do with it. Studies have shown that leptin plays significant if not primary roles in heart disease, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, reproductive disorders, and perhaps the rate of aging itself. Many chronic diseases are now linked to excess inflammation such as heart disease and diabetes. High leptin levels are very pro-inflammatory, and leptin also helps to mediate the manufacture of other very potent inflammatory chemicals from fat cells that also play a significant role in the progression of heart disease and diabetes.

Leptin: A Key Player in Your Health

Leptin plays a far more important role in your health than, for instance, cholesterol, however few doctors are taught to pay attention to it, or even know much about it. Leptin’s critical importance is largely unknown to the medical community because there are no known drugs that regulate its activities and therefore there is no incentive to spend money to educate doctors about leptin’s crucial role in health and disease. The only known way to reestablish proper leptin (and insulin) signaling is via diet and, as such, these can have a more profound effect on your health than any other
known modality of medical treatment. New studies support prior studies that have shown the brain and liver to be of paramount importance in regulating your blood sugar levels especially in type 2 or insulin resistant diabetes. It had been previously believed that the insulin sensitivity of muscle and fat tissues were the most important factor in determining whether one would become diabetic or not. It should be noted that leptin plays a vital role in regulating your brain’s hypothalamic activity which in turn regulates much of our “autonomic” functions; those functions that you don’t necessarily think about but which determines much of your life (and health) such as:

•Body temperature
•Heart rate
•Stress response
•Fat burning or storage
•Reproductive behavior and
•Newly discovered roles in bone growth and blood sugar levels

These studies also illustrate the complexity of hormonal orchestration. Especially with very important hormones like insulin and leptin with far ranging effects, a particular cell can be resistant to one effect while the other stays intact. For instance, it had been shown previously that cells may become resistant to the effects of insulin on glucose influx (which may be protective in limiting the amount of glucose entering cells and thus intracellular glycation), while that same cell may not become resistant to the effects of insulin on cellular proliferation that tell cells to multiply, as these are mediated by two separate pathways. Thus a person with high insulin levels, being insulin resistant in regards to glucose, would still be at a much higher risk of cancer, and this indeed is what happens; high insulin levels are associated with many common forms of cancer. Also, different organ systems become resistant at different rates. Therefore, just taking or artificially raising (by drugs) insulin, and/or leptin, will not correct the problems in the orchestration of the signals, any more than playing the tuba louder will fix mistakes in the written music. However a strategic diet that emphasizes good fats and avoids blood sugar spikes coupled with targeted supplements to enhance insulin and leptin sensitivity by resensitizing your cell’s ability to hear hormonal messages correctly, will allow your life to be the symphony it was meant to be.

REf: Dr.Ron Rosedale

Cell Metabolism March 2005; Vol 1, 169-178 (Free Full-Text Article)