Archive for the ‘Recovery – Repair’ Category

Immune System Response, Exercise and Inflammation

anti-aging, disease, Fitness, Free Radicals, inflammation, nutrition, performance, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin April 30th, 2016

biocellsLike other stressors in our lives—allergic reactions, lack of sleep, emotional duress, poor nutritional intake and excess body fat—exercise can directly affect the body’s complex immune system and produce a cascading effect of inflammatory responses.


Inflammation occurs at the peak of the immune response when conditions such as fever trigger the body to increase blood flow and bring in specialized immune cells to help repair and remove damaged tissues.

An acute (short-term) response to internal and external invaders is the basis of a successful immune system. However, when inflammatory stressors become chronic (long-term) and accumulate, trouble begins.

The immune system is divided into two types of responses: natural and specific. The natural response is an all-purpose first line of defense comprising cells that identify and attack a number of different invaders in a short time frame. White blood cells and other cells devour invading pathogens and initiate inflammation by releasing toxic substances that damage and then consume the invader or damaged tissue.

The second component of the immune system, the specific response, is far more complex and mostly beyond the scope of this discussion. Simply put, the specific response recognizes a specific invader, like bacteria or an allergen, and then mounts a defense against it.

This intricate protective mechanism helps maintain the biochemical balance in the body that maintains health or promotes healing. Many body systems must remain balanced for homeostasis to occur. One important example is the endocrine system, which controls much of the body’s regulating hormones, the body’s pH, body temperature and chemicals in the bloodstream, all of which are delicately balanced and vulnerable if altered for a significant length of time.

Physical & Mental Stressors

It should be noted that the immune system is well designed to handle such physical stressors as microbes, sprained ankles and hay fever. What is not clear, however, is how the immune system reacts to the accumulation of other physical stressors—poor nutrition, lack of sleep, food allergies or sensitivities, postural and joint misalignment and foreign substances.

Additionally, behavioral scientists have been examining the effect of mental and emotional stressors. Significant research has indicated that mental stressors provide as great a challenge to homeostasis as physical conditions like influenza or muscle tears.

The term allostatic load refers to the method by which the body adjusts to the combined effect of many physical and mental stressors. A high allostatic load is essentially an overload of those different stressors, creating what one researcher dubbed “a cascade of cause and effect”.

The connecting factor among physical, emotional and mental stressors occurs in an area of the brain known as the HPA axis. Consisting of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal gland, the HPA axis serves as the body’s emergency alert system that responds to a variety of stressors by releasing hormones, such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, which prepare different body systems for action. The HPA axis also releases growth hormone (GH) and cortisol; GH helps repair tissue and promotes growth, whereas cortisol fuels the body by maintaining proper glucose and fatty acid levels.

When faced with a lot of different stressors (i.e., a high allostatic load), the intricately tuned immune system can get caught in a stress hormone–inflammation loop. Hormones are released at higher than normal levels, leading to an increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines, which, in a vicious circle, then re-stimulates the HPA axis. Cortisol levels also increase and alter the immune/ inflammation system, resulting in higher levels of inflammatory factors in the body.

Exercise & Inflammation

So how do the immune system, HPA axis and stress response all fit into the exercise and fitness equation? Exercise is a physical stressor, and the exercise stress response follows similar inflammatory physiological pathways to those activated by other physical and mental stimuli.

In fact, the response to exercise is so parallel that exercise scientists borrowed the phrase general adaptation syndrome (GAS) from Hans Selye, a behavioral scientist who pioneered much of the early extensive research on the stress response. According to Selye, stress causes a temporary decrease in function, followed by an adaptation that improves function. In order for us to improve our health, fitness or athletic ability, it is necessary to increase our efforts to fatigue-level intensities and then recover and refuel.

During exercise, the primary hormones that get released are

  • epinephrine (to increase heart rate and blood flow to the muscles)
  • norepinephrine (to raise blood pressure)
  • cortisol (to mobilize fuel sources and lower any inflammation)
  • growth hormone and glucagons (to protect blood glucose and mobilize other energy sources for fuel)

These hormones are the same as those secreted when the body is reacting to mental and emotional stressors.

If the exercise session was designed to elicit higher levels of strength or conditioning, some degree of muscle damage occurred, calling upon the immune system to respond in a number of ways, including an inflammatory response to help muscle repair. While this process promotes muscle regeneration, it can also slow the body’s ability to repair muscle tissue.

Contributing Factors for Inflammation

Many factors play a significant role in increasing body inflammation, including physical imbalances, diet, allergies, sleep deprivation, excess weight and age.

Physical Conditions. Postural and joint mal-alignments play a major role in inflammatory conditions. Exercisers who spend long periods of time sitting each day are especially vulnerable when performing certain upright movements that can create excessive friction in joint complexes. Excessive shoulder internal rotation, thoracic flexion and hip external rotation are classic seated mal-alignment issues that result in pain or damage to areas that then become inflamed.

Poor Diet. One huge contributing factor to inflammation is the Western convenience/comfort food diet, which is high in saturated and trans fats, simple carbohydrates and animal proteins. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) urges Americans to reduce their consumption of saturated and trans fatty acids to diminish risk factors for inflammation-based disorders such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, cerebral infarction and other immune disorders.. Food allergies and sensitivities also contribute to inflammation. The most common food allergies involve wheat gluten, nuts or shellfish. While less severe than allergies, food sensitivities can produce subtle inflammatory reactions to common trigger foods; for example, products made with dairy, corn, soy, wheat, sugar and nuts

Other Allergens. In addition to food, allergens such as chemicals, dust, mold or pollens can cause the body’s immune system to release chemical neurotransmitters called histamines, which trigger an inflammatory process in the blood vessels. The allergic reaction can be slight (e.g., itchy skin, runny nose) or far more serious (e.g., blood pressure drop, swelling, shortness of breath). Environmental pollutants, cleaning products and noise can also increase inflammation.

Sleep Deprivation. Lack of sleep is associated with inflammation. Sleep is a time for the body to recover and repair both mentally and physically. That’s why sleep experts recommend getting 7–9 hours nightly to function optimally. Studies indicate that this time period is critical for biochemical balance in substances like GH and cortisol.

Excess Weight. Biochemical imbalances have also been linked to inflammation caused by excess intra-abdominal fat. Beyond a certain level, excessive intra-abdominal fat produces a cortisol response, which tells the body to store fat; this begins a never-ending feedback loop.

Advanced Age. Another contributing factor is age. As we age, interleukin levels increase dramatically, which plays a role in the development of many diseases of aging, including heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive impairment diseases.

Tailoring Exercise Programs

Research indicates that high-intensity (> 70% of maximal effort) exercise sessions lasting longer than 20–30 minutes or low-intensity (< 50%–70%) efforts lasting longer than 75 minutes can flood the body with stress and inflammation biochemical markers, initiating a cascading response. It therefore makes sense to devise a workout that stays within those time and intensity parameters.

Moderate exercise at lower intensities is the better course. Moderate exercise efforts for up to 60 minutes can actually reduce inflammatory markers, increase positive neurotransmitters (e.g., serotonin and endorphins) and improve brain chemistry. Moderate intensities also stimulate the growth of new brain cells, neurons and capillary growth to muscles and neurons.

According to most studies, exercising under the 70% effort level seems to be the baseline for reducing inflammation and stress hormone levels These reduced efforts should be combined with exercise programming design that includes myofascial release, flexibility training and corrective exercise. This type of program can help relieve stress, improve joint alignment and muscle activation and reduce the inflammatory response.

Mental Element

It is perfectly acceptable to give less of an effort and work at lower intensities during times of high stress. High-intensity, long-duration workouts are counterproductive if performed during a time of high demands and increased stress in other areas of life.

Managing the hormonal component of exercise can actually help produce gains. The outdated “no pain, no gain” approach can be detrimental to health because at best it stimulates the body to retain body fat or lose muscle mass and at worst it creates a chronic state of injury and illness.

Inflammation also supports the healing power of 7–8 hours of sleep. Sleep is critical to maintaining biochemical homeostasis. The primary function of sleep is to give the body and the mind some restorative time to help decrease systematic inflammation.

Proactive Anti-Inflammatory Strategy

Several proactive anti-inflammatory nutrition strategies that are fairly simple. For example, research has shown that inflammation can be prevented or reduced by the following:

  • adding more fruits and vegetables to the diet
  • reducing intake of trans fats and saturated fats
  • increasing intake of omega-3 fats (found in fish oils, olive oil, avocados and walnuts)
  • reducing intake of simple carbs and animal protein

Some herbs and other phytochemicals have been shown to significantly reduce inflammation in the body. For example, an active component in the herb turmeric called curcumin has been studied extensively for its ability to inhibit cancer cell growth. Ginger has exhibited the same properties. Some dietary supplements combine tumeric, ginger, rosemary, basil and other herbs to create a potent natural anti-inflammatory with no known side effects. Studies have found that this specific combination is as effective as some pharmaceutical compounds at stemming inflammation.

NSAIDs work to inhibit hormones in the body called prostaglandins, which are vital to many physiological processes but specifically cause the sensation of pain as a protective mechanism. Because these hormones are important in gastric function and because NSAIDs eliminate all prostaglandin activity, gastric distress can be a side effect. Newer studies are finding that instead of speeding recovery from muscular injury, ingestion of traditional NSAIDs may actually slow the process for several days as protein synthesis (tissue healing) is delayed.

Common types of traditional NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen and indomethacin. It should be noted that while acetaminophen (Tylenol™) is classified as an NSAID, it exhibits little or no anti-inflammatory effects despite its analgesic properties.

Reference:   IDEA Health & Fitness Association

Manipulating The Glycemic Index Diet – The Winning Edge ???

distance runners, Fitness, nutrition, performance, Recovery - Repair, strength | Posted by admin September 13th, 2015

A high-carbohydrate training diet is a must for optimum sports performance because it produces the biggest stores of muscle glycogen. Unlike the fat stores in the body, which can release almost unlimited amounts of fatty acids, the carbohydrate stores are small. They are fully depleted after two or three hours of strenuous exercise. This depletion of carbohydrate stores is called “hitting the wall.” The blood glucose concentration begins to decline at this point. If exercise continues as the same rate, blood glucose may drop to levels that interfere with brain function and cause disorientation and unconsciousness.

All else being equal, the eventual winner is the person with the largest stores of muscle glycogen. It is important to maximize your muscle glycogen stores by ingesting a high-carbohydrate training diet and by carb loading in the days prior to the competition.

There are times when low G.I. foods provide an advantage and times when high G.I. are better. For best performance a serious athlete needs to learn which foods have high and low G.I. factors and when to eat them. Understanding the glycemic index and making the best food choices can give you an advantage.

Low-GI Foods: Before the Event
Low-GI foods have been proven to extend endurance when eaten alone one or two hours before prolonged strenuous exercise. Low-GI foods are best eaten about two hours before the big event –so that the meal will have left the stomach but will remain in the small intestine, slowly releasing glucose energy, for hours afterwards. The slow rate and steady stream of glucose trickles into the bloodstream during the event. Most importantly, the extra glucose will still be available toward the end of the exercise, when muscle stores are running close to empty. In this way, low-GI foods increase endurance and prolong the time before exhaustion hits.

When a pre-event meal of lentils (low GI value) was compared with one of potatoes (high GI value), cyclists were able to continue cycling at high intensity (65 percent of their maximum capacity) for twenty minutes longer when the meal had a low G value. Their blood-glucose and insulin levels were still above fasting levels at the end of exercise, indicating that carbohydrates were continuing to be absorbed from the small intestine even after ninety minutes of strenuous exercise.

In any sport context, it’s critical to select low-GI foods that do not cause gastrointestinal discomfort (stomach cramps, etc.). Some low-GI foods, such as legumes that are high in fiber or ingestible sugars, may produce symptoms in people not use to eating large amounts of them. There are plenty of low-fiber, low-GI choices, including pasta, noodles, and Basmati rice.

High- GI Foods: During and After the Event
While the pre-event meal should have a low GI value, scientific evidence indicates that there are times when high-GI foods are preferable. This includes during the event, after the event, and after normal training sessions. This is because high-GI foods are absorbed faster and stimulate more insulin, the hormone responsible for getting glucose back into the muscles for either immediate or future use.

During the event
High-GI foods should be used during events lasting longer than ninety minutes. This form of carbohydrate is rapidly released into the bloodstream and ensures that glucose is available for oxidation in the muscle cells. Liquid foods are usually tolerated better than solid foods, for endurance racing for example, because they are emptied more quickly from the stomach. Sports drinks are ideal during the race because they replace water and electrolytes as well. If you feel hungry for something solid during a race, try jelly beans (GI value of 80) or another form of high-glucose candy. Consume 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrate per hour during the event.

After the event (recovery)
In some competitive sports, athletes compete on consecutive days, and glycogen stores need to be at their maximum each time. Here it is important to restock the glycogen store in the muscles as quickly as possible after each day’s events. High-GI foods are best in this situation. Muscles are more sensitive to glucose in the bloodstream in the first hour after exercise, so a concerted effort should be made to get as many high-GI foods in as soon as possible.

Suggested foods include most of the sports drinks which replace water and electrolyte losses, or high-GI rice (e.g., jasmine), breads, and breakfast cereals such as cornflakes or rice krispies. Potatoes cooked without fat are good choice too but their high satiety means it is hard to eat lots of them.

Carbohydrate Loading For Training & Understanding
Why This Is Important…

It’s not just your pre- and post-event meals that influence your performance. Very active people need to eat much larger amounts of carbohydrates than inactive people. Consuming a high-carbohydrate diet every day will help you reach peak performance. When athletes fail to consume adequate carbohydrates each day, muscle and liver glycogen stores eventually become depleted. Dr. Ted Costill at the University of Texas showed that the gradual and chronic depletion of stored glycogen may decrease endurance and exercise performance. Intense workouts two to three times a day draw heavily on the athlete’s muscle glycogen stores. Athletes on low-carbohydrate diet will not perform their best because muscle stores of fuel are low.
If the diet provides inadequate amounts of carbohydrate, the reduction in muscle glycogen will be critical. An athlete training heavily should consume about 500 to 800 grams of carbohydrate a day (about two to three times normal) to help prevent carbohydrate depletion. Typically, American adults consume between 200 to 250 grams of carbohydrates each day.

Could a High-GI Diet Be Harmful to Athletes?

By virtue of their high activity levels, athletes have optimal insulin sensitivity. When they eat high-carbohydrate, high-GI foods, blood glucose and insulin levels rise far less in them than in the average person. This also provides the athlete with a bonus by not exposing their bodies to dangerous levels of blood glucose which produce disease in sedentary, insulin resistant individuals.

Adapted from the Book: The New Glucose Revolution
Written by: Jennie Brand-Miller, PhD
Thomas M.S. Wolever, MD PhD
Stephen Colagiuri, MD
Kaye Foster-Powell, M Nutr & Diet

Are Your Prescriptions Depleting Your Nutritional Status ?

anti-aging, disease, Fitness, Free Radicals, nutrition, performance, Recovery - Repair, strength | Posted by admin September 1st, 2015

Becoming familiar with the nutritional depletion effects of taking prescription drugs must be considered in order to adjust diet and nutritional supplements for maintaining optimal health, strength and performance…  Check below for your potential risks…


Micronutrient Depletion Rx GuideRev 

(Revised  – September 2, 2015)

Patients shouldn’t self-medicate with supplements. Over-supplementing can be harmful.

Understanding how nutrients correlate with each other is a critical part of a personalized

supplement plan.


Nutrition & Sports: The Keys to Optimal Performance

performance, Recovery - Repair, strength | Posted by admin January 19th, 2015

All athletes strive to compete at the top of their game but, unbeknownst to many of them, their performance relies on their nutritional status.  Athletes with inadequate diets and unaware of  their specific metabolic rates may have insufficient fuel for workouts, nutrient deficiencies that can lead to illness or fatigue, a decrement in bone growth and maintenance, and may not reach their potential for muscle growth. All of these will be reflected in their performance, regardless of their determination.

Despite this recognition young athletes need to pay greater attention to their fuel consumption, recent research suggests that many youths struggle with energy balance, experiencing an energy deficit or surplus. We are all too familiar with this energy surplus, known as overweight or obesity, but that crisis is not the focus here.  The concern is many young athletes require greater amounts of nutrients but remain uninformed or unconcerned about their nutrition needs or simply feel powerless to improve their nutritional status. Young athletes need help to overcome these problems.

The number of young athletes in the United States is increasing and estimates are that approximately 30 to 45 million youths aged 6 to 18 participate in some form of athletics. These young athletes turn to coaches, parents, teammates, and health professionals for nutrition guidance. They can guide athletes to be leaner, stronger, and able to withstand the rigors of training and competition. They can offer superior advice because they are more cognizant of research findings and are equipped with clinical and counseling skills to aid in a young athlete’s quest for improvement. By helping athletes improve their diet, they can eliminate obstacles to better health and nutrition and thereby help athletes push their limits and reach their full potential.

Nutrition professionals can aid young athletes in their quest for victory by recognizing that children and adolescents generally need more calories and protein per pound of body weight than many adults. It is a well-known fact that children need this extra energy to grow, fully develop, and thrive. Nutrient needs further elevate and reach their peak during adolescence. Potential differences in nutrition needs between a typical child or adolescent and an athletic child or adolescent likely exist.  Not all nutitional needs and metabolic rates are alike.  New studies of energy balance in young athletes have been published, and conservative recommendations have been made. But self-reported diet records of young athletes often indicate that intake of energy, carbohydrate, and select micronutrients may be below recommended levels. They must be aware that these deficiencies exist and are especially apparent in athletes involved in sports that focus on body composition and appearance, but lack awareness for influences on strength and endurance.

Residual nutritional levels of macro & micronutrients can now be measured by new science based technology.  Measurements are based on an individual’s residual levels measured at the cellular level where cell replications occur and these data are compared in a moving average data base of more than 500,000 others.  This results in comparing and documenting an individuals residual storage levels inside their body. Adjustments in nutrition and supplementation can be made on an individual’s real needs based on their metabolic rates instead of assuming all athletes burn at the same rate. Welcome to the next generation of athletic training by benchmarking and addressing nutritional deficiences for optimizing training & performance.

Contact for us for details…

Decrease Oxidative Stress Naturally in Healthy Older Men and Women?

anti-aging, disease, Free Radicals, nutrition, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin November 8th, 2013

Compared with young adults, older adults have significantly impaired capacities to resist oxidative damage when faced with acute stress such as ischemia/reperfusion. This impairment likely contributes to increased morbidity and mortality in older adults in response to acute trauma, infections, and the susceptibility to diseases such as atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.  Consumption of foods high in polyphenols, particularly anthocyanins, have been associated with improved health, but the mechanisms contributing to these salutary effects remain to be fully established.

A study tested the hypothesis that consumption of tart cherry juice containing high levels of anthocyanins improves the capacity of older adults to resist oxidative damage during acute oxidative stress. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design, data suggests that consumption of tart cherry juice improves antioxidant defenses in vivo in older adults as shown by an increased capacity to constrain an oxidative challenge and reduced oxidative damage to nucleic acids.

Oxidative stress, defined as an imbalance between the rate of formation and the rate of clearance of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS), is thought to be a key mechanism in the aging process and in a variety of age-related chronic diseases, including atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Research has recently shown that healthy older adults have an impaired capacity to resist oxidative damage after exposure to an acute stress compared with young adults.  This impairment may account for the greater morbidity and mortality of older adults compared with young adults during trauma, infections, or surgery, as well as their increased susceptibility to cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease.   Acute stress increases production of reactive oxygen species and frequently occurs in acute events that afflict older adults such as trauma, cardiovascular disease, and surgery.

The antioxidative capacity of older adults appears to be sufficient to maintain homeostasis in non-stressed conditions, but insufficient to cope with a substantial oxidative challenge. Therefore, identifying interventions that improve resistance to oxidative damage during an acute challenge might be of great potential value in decreasing morbidity and mortality in older adults, even if these interventions do not affect basal levels of oxidation.

It has been proposed that the antioxidant activities of fruits and vegetables come from the additive and synergistic effects of their phytonutrients and that isolated dietary supplements do not exhibit these same benefits.  Therefore, an intervention that would provide a natural blend of phytonutrients lead to Tart cherries which have high levels of antioxidants in the form of phenolic compounds and anthocyanins.  Diets rich in polyphenols, especially anthocyanins, have been shown to increase resistance to oxidation in research models.

Because anthocyanins can activate xenobiotic responses, including expression of a plethora of antioxidant response genes, it is hypothesized that increasing the dietary intake of diverse antioxidants, such as those contained in tart cherry juice, would increase resistance to oxidative damage after an acute stress, an effect that could potentially dramatically improve resistance to morbidity and mortality in older adults.

The conclusion of the data from a placebo-controlled, crossover study demonstrated that a dietary antioxidant intervention through consumption of tart cherry juice improves antioxidant defenses in vivo in older adults as shown by an increased capacity to resist oxidative damage after an acute stress and reduced oxidative damage to nucleic acids. The results also highlighted the observation that various markers of oxidative damage may reflect different mechanisms of resistance to oxidative damage.


References:   The Journal of Nutrition
published online August 19, 2009; doi:10.3945/jn.109.111716
research study conducted –
Kronos Longevity Research Institute, Phoenix, AZ; 5Kronos Science Laboratory, Phoenix, AZ 85016; and Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN 37232

Immune System Response, Exercise and Inflammation

anti-aging, disease, Fitness, nutrition, obesity, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin December 17th, 2012

Exercise can help boost the body’s immune system. Physical activity can actually produce an inflammatory response, leading to chronic inflammation?

Like other stressors in our lives—allergic reactions, lack of sleep, emotional duress, poor nutritional intake and excess body fat—exercise can directly affect the body’s complex immune system and produce a cascading effect of inflammatory responses.

Inflammation occurs at the peak of the immune response when conditions such as fever trigger the body to increase blood flow and bring in specialized immune cells to help repair and remove damaged tissues.

An acute (short-term) response to internal and external invaders is the basis of a successful immune system. However, when inflammatory stressors become chronic (long-term) and accumulate, trouble begins.

The immune system is divided into two types of responses: natural and specific. The natural response is an all-purpose first line of defense comprising cells that identify and attack a number of different invaders in a short time frame. White blood cells and other cells devour invading pathogens and initiate inflammation by releasing toxic substances that damage and then consume the invader or damaged tissue.

The second component of the immune system, the specific response, is far more complex and mostly beyond the scope of this discussion. Simply put, the specific response recognizes a specific invader, like bacteria or an allergen, and then mounts a defense against it.

This intricate protective mechanism helps maintain the biochemical balance in the body that maintains health or promotes healing. Many body systems must remain balanced for homeostasis to occur. One important example is the endocrine system, which controls much of the body’s regulating hormones, the body’s pH, body temperature and chemicals in the bloodstream, all of which are delicately balanced and vulnerable if altered for a significant length of time.

Physical & Mental Stressors

It should be noted that the immune system is well designed to handle such physical stressors as microbes, sprained ankles and hay fever. What is not clear, however, is how the immune system reacts to the accumulation of other physical stressors—poor nutrition, lack of sleep, food allergies or sensitivities, postural and joint misalignment and foreign substances.

Additionally, behavioral scientists have been examining the effect of mental and emotional stressors. Significant research has indicated that mental stressors provide as great a challenge to homeostasis as physical conditions like influenza or muscle tears.

The term allostatic load refers to the method by which the body adjusts to the combined effect of many physical and mental stressors. A high allostatic load is essentially an overload of those different stressors, creating what one researcher dubbed “a cascade of cause and effect”.

The connecting factor among physical, emotional and mental stressors occurs in an area of the brain known as the HPA axis. Consisting of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal gland, the HPA axis serves as the body’s emergency alert system that responds to a variety of stressors by releasing hormones, such as epinephrine and norepinephrine, which prepare different body systems for action. The HPA axis also releases growth hormone (GH) and cortisol; GH helps repair tissue and promotes growth, whereas cortisol fuels the body by maintaining proper glucose and fatty acid levels.

When faced with a lot of different stressors (i.e., a high allostatic load), the intricately tuned immune system can get caught in a stress hormone–inflammation loop. Hormones are released at higher than normal levels, leading to an increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines, which, in a vicious circle, then re-stimulates the HPA axis. Cortisol levels also increase and alter the immune/ inflammation system, resulting in higher levels of inflammatory factors in the body.

Exercise & Inflammation

So how do the immune system, HPA axis and stress response all fit into the exercise and fitness equation? Exercise is a physical stressor, and the exercise stress response follows similar inflammatory physiological pathways to those activated by other physical and mental stimuli.

In fact, the response to exercise is so parallel that exercise scientists borrowed the phrase general adaptation syndrome (GAS) from Hans Selye, a behavioral scientist who pioneered much of the early extensive research on the stress response. According to Selye, stress causes a temporary decrease in function, followed by an adaptation that improves function. In order for us to improve our health, fitness or athletic ability, it is necessary to increase our efforts to fatigue-level intensities and then recover and refuel.

During exercise, the primary hormones that get released are

  • epinephrine (to increase heart rate and blood flow to the muscles)
  • norepinephrine (to raise blood pressure)
  • cortisol (to mobilize fuel sources and lower any inflammation)
  • growth hormone and glucagons (to protect blood glucose and mobilize other energy sources for fuel)

These hormones are the same as those secreted when the body is reacting to mental and emotional stressors.

If the exercise session was designed to elicit higher levels of strength or conditioning, some degree of muscle damage occurred, calling upon the immune system to respond in a number of ways, including an inflammatory response to help muscle repair. While this process promotes muscle regeneration, it can also slow the body’s ability to repair muscle tissue.

Contributing Factors for Inflammation

Many factors play a significant role in increasing body inflammation, including physical imbalances, diet, allergies, sleep deprivation, excess weight and age.

Physical Conditions. Postural and joint mal-alignments play a major role in inflammatory conditions. Exercisers who spend long periods of time sitting each day are especially vulnerable when performing certain upright movements that can create excessive friction in joint complexes. Excessive shoulder internal rotation, thoracic flexion and hip external rotation are classic seated mal-alignment issues that result in pain or damage to areas that then become inflamed.

Poor Diet. One huge contributing factor to inflammation is the Western convenience/comfort food diet, which is high in saturated and trans fats, simple carbohydrates and animal proteins. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) urges Americans to reduce their consumption of saturated and trans fatty acids to diminish risk factors for inflammation-based disorders such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, cerebral infarction and other immune disorders.. Food allergies and sensitivities also contribute to inflammation. The most common food allergies involve wheat gluten, nuts or shellfish. While less severe than allergies, food sensitivities can produce subtle inflammatory reactions to common trigger foods; for example, products made with dairy, corn, soy, wheat, sugar and nuts

Other Allergens. In addition to food, allergens such as chemicals, dust, mold or pollens can cause the body’s immune system to release chemical neurotransmitters called histamines, which trigger an inflammatory process in the blood vessels. The allergic reaction can be slight (e.g., itchy skin, runny nose) or far more serious (e.g., blood pressure drop, swelling, shortness of breath). Environmental pollutants, cleaning products and noise can also increase inflammation.

Sleep Deprivation. Lack of sleep is associated with inflammation. Sleep is a time for the body to recover and repair both mentally and physically. That’s why sleep experts recommend getting 7–9 hours nightly to function optimally. Studies indicate that this time period is critical for biochemical balance in substances like GH and cortisol.

Excess Weight. Biochemical imbalances have also been linked to inflammation caused by excess intra-abdominal fat. Beyond a certain level, excessive intra-abdominal fat produces a cortisol response, which tells the body to store fat; this begins a never-ending feedback loop.

Advanced Age. Another contributing factor is age. As we age, interleukin levels increase dramatically, which plays a role in the development of many diseases of aging, including heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive impairment diseases.

Tailoring Exercise Programs

Research indicates that high-intensity (> 70% of maximal effort) exercise sessions lasting longer than 20–30 minutes or low-intensity (< 50%–70%) efforts lasting longer than 75 minutes can flood the body with stress and inflammation biochemical markers, initiating a cascading response. It therefore makes sense to devise a workout that stays within those time and intensity parameters.

Moderate exercise at lower intensities is the better course. Moderate exercise efforts for up to 60 minutes can actually reduce inflammatory markers, increase positive neurotransmitters (e.g., serotonin and endorphins) and improve brain chemistry. Moderate intensities also stimulate the growth of new brain cells, neurons and capillary growth to muscles and neurons.

According to most studies, exercising under the 70% effort level seems to be the baseline for reducing inflammation and stress hormone levels These reduced efforts should be combined with exercise programming design that includes myofascial release, flexibility training and corrective exercise. This type of program can help relieve stress, improve joint alignment and muscle activation and reduce the inflammatory response.

Mental Element

It is perfectly acceptable to give less of an effort and work at lower intensities during times of high stress. High-intensity, long-duration workouts are counterproductive if performed during a time of high demands and increased stress in other areas of life.

Managing the hormonal component of exercise can actually help produce gains. The outdated “no pain, no gain” approach can be detrimental to health because at best it stimulates the body to retain body fat or lose muscle mass and at worst it creates a chronic state of injury and illness.

Inflammation also supports the healing power of 7–8 hours of sleep. Sleep is critical to maintaining biochemical homeostasis. The primary function of sleep is to give the body and the mind some restorative time to help decrease systematic inflammation.

Proactive Anti-Inflammatory Strategy

Several proactive anti-inflammatory nutrition strategies that are fairly simple. For example, research has shown that inflammation can be prevented or reduced by the following:

  • adding more fruits and vegetables to the diet
  • reducing intake of trans fats and saturated fats
  • increasing intake of omega-3 fats (found in fish oils, olive oil, avocados and walnuts)
  • reducing intake of simple carbs and animal protein

Some herbs and other phytochemicals have been shown to significantly reduce inflammation in the body. For example, an active component in the herb turmeric called curcumin has been studied extensively for its ability to inhibit cancer cell growth. Ginger has exhibited the same properties. Some dietary supplements combine tumeric, ginger, rosemary, basil and other herbs to create a potent natural anti-inflammatory with no known side effects. Studies have found that this specific combination is as effective as some pharmaceutical compounds at stemming inflammation.

NSAIDs work to inhibit hormones in the body called prostaglandins, which are vital to many physiological processes but specifically cause the sensation of pain as a protective mechanism. Because these hormones are important in gastric function and because NSAIDs eliminate all prostaglandin activity, gastric distress can be a side effect. Newer studies are finding that instead of speeding recovery from muscular injury, ingestion of traditional NSAIDs may actually slow the process for several days as protein synthesis (tissue healing) is delayed.

Common types of traditional NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen and indomethacin. It should be noted that while acetaminophen (Tylenol™) is classified as an NSAID, it exhibits little or no anti-inflammatory effects despite its analgesic properties.

Reference:   IDEA Health & Fitness Association

Inflammation – degrades health at the cellular level

anti-aging, disease, Fitness, Free Radicals, nutrition, performance, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin May 25th, 2012

Inflammation is central to the body’s ability to defend, maintain and repair itself. Its symptoms appear as redness, heat, swelling and pain, announcing a part of the body that is inflamed.  Heat and redness are signs of blood rushing to the injured area. Swelling is from changes in the small blood vessels that allow plasma to seep into the tissues. Pain results from the release of compounds used by the immune system to draw defensive support to the injured area. The inflammatory response is regulated by hormones which both intensify and dampen the response.  Unchecked inflammation, or chronic inflammation, is abnormal, and occurs upon an imbalance of these hormones which inhibits the ability to turn off the defensive action when healing is complete.

Chronic inflammation extends beyond the location of the original injury, and spreads to areas of the body which are healthy. It is at the cellular level that chronic inflammation begins and is most often due to oxidative stress, brought on by the burning of energy in our bodies along with toxic elements in our environment. Toxins in the form of free radicals build up over time in our bodies, from both external and internal sources (internally, the consumption of fuel by our cells). These free radicals cause an inflammatory reaction at the cellular level, becoming chronic over time.

It is becoming widely known that this inflammation at the cellular level is at the root of over 200 common degenerative, chronic diseases.  A broad category of inflammation related disease is autoimmunity. These diseases include Type I Diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, eczema, coronary heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, and even cancer.

There is also mounting evidence of a critical role of inflammation in the development of hypertension. Metabolic syndrome, marked by increased levels of C-reactive protein, is associated the inflammatory response, and a known precursor to high blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Oxidative stress promotes the inflammatory response because the body sees the oxidation of cells as injury, and where excessive oxidative stress exists, inflammation begins to cause the body’s immune system to attack otherwise healthy cells.

Inflammation can be avoided by choices in the diet.

The macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates, and proteins) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients) we consume have a direct role in maintaining a healthy inflammatory response.


We all know about the bad fats (the saturated fats) and the good fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats). The saturated fats will have a more pro-inflammatory response in our bodies. Some fats are extremely pro-inflammatory. These are the artificially hardened fats: margarine, vegetable shortening, and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. These products include oxidized fatty acids and trans fats. Balancing essential fatty acids (EFAs) is critical in maintaining the body’s ability to temper the inflammatory response. In general, the hormones synthesized from omega-6 fatty acids, which are abundant in our SAD (Standard American Diet) increase inflammatory reaction, while the hormones we create from omega-3 fatty acids have the dampening effect on this response. In the distant past our diets consisted of a more equivalent amount of these fats, but are now heavily weighted in the omega-6 fats. Unfortunately, omega-3’s are much harder to come by than omega-6’s. They are found in low concentrations in leafy greens, a few seeds and nuts (pumpkin seeds, walnuts, flax, hemp) and a few vegetable oils (soy, canola), sea vegetables, and oily fish from cold waters (salmon, sardines herring, mackerel, black cod, and bluefish). Animals that are allowed to graze on grass rather than being fattened on grains accumulate omega-3s in their fat. Oxidized fatty acids occur when oils are exposed to air, light and heat. Rancidity is a sign of oxidation; if your oil smells at all funny, toss it! This includes nuts and seeds, which do not have a long shelf life. The omega-3’s in these foods break down with oxidation, and as with oils, dispose of them when they begin to smell the least bit rancid. Refrigeration can extend their shelf life.


As with the fats, our sources of carbohydrates can be pro-inflammatory. The glycemic index and glycemic load are indicators of the oxidative stress that will occur as a result of ingesting certain foods.  As you eat more high-GI foods, such as bread, white potatoes, white pasta, sugars, chips, crackers and snack foods, your body processes these foods as simple sugars. It burns these sugars very rapidly, causing excessive oxidation which results in an inflammatory response. Eat foods with a low-GI such as whole grains, beans, sweet potatoes, winter squashes and other vegetables, temperate fruits (berries, cherries, apples and pears) and less refined or processed food. Eating these foods will avoid inflammation, as the body will process these foods in a more regulated manner.

The influence of proteins on inflammation is not as direct, but are more a result of their fat and carbohydrates. Animal fats are more commonly saturated, while they also come with greater environmental contamination than plant foods.  Toxins from this environmental contamination cause inflammatory response from the resulting oxidative stress. Vegetable sources of proteins include soy and other legumes. These sources of protein are no less nutritious than meat protein but limit and even aid in controlling chronic inflammation.  Fish is highly recommended in favor of meat for its omega-3 fatty acids, but it is desirable to avoid some fish, such as tuna or shark, for their levels of mercury and PCBs. Good choices are wild Alaskan salmon, Alaskan black code (sablefish or butterfish), and sardines.

If fish oil supplements are taken, they should be distilled and toxin free, and not from farmed fish as they will contain no omega-3s which are derived from plankton and other natural sources not available to farm fish.  If you are taking EFA supplements, try to find those which have parental rather than derived fatty acids, and contain the correct balance.


Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients are obtained for the most part from fruits and vegetables. We are told by the FDA that we should consume from 5-9 servings of fruit per day (1 cup of raw or 1/2 cup of cooked is considered one serving).

However it is not recommended that variety and raw foods are extremely important considerations. But it is well known that these nutrients are critical in reducing oxydative stress and related inflammation.

Phytonutrients are indicated by the colors of fruit and vegetables. There are tens of thousands of known phytonutrients, and more are being studied every day.  For example, the phytonutrients creating the red, blue, and purple in fruits and vegetables contain anthocyanins, which are water soluble. Anthocyanins are part of a larger subgroup of plant compounds called flavanoids, which are a subclass of plant polyphenols.  Plant polyphenols are known to have significant antioxidant capabilities, and so in turn, limit inflammatory response. Plant polyphenols have been studied for some time now for their role in protecting cells against cancerous conditions.

Reference:  Nutrition-To-Wellness
Nutrition and Health Blog, Discover Wellness, by Vicky Berry

Super Foods for Health

anti-aging, Free Radicals, nutrition, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin May 17th, 2011
Your health is your wealth and it provides the infrastucture for maintaining strength and performance.  Everyone, especially athletes need to learn and understand the basics of optimal nutrition and how it is key to high performance and rapid recovery.  Muscles cells are injured and replaced constantly and optimal cell replications require optimal nutrients to be available at all times.  Superfoods are natural and they provide the fuel for health, strength and performance.  Learn to like them and make them part of your diet.
Absent from most American kitchens, this cruciferous vegetable is a major player in European and Asian diets.
Why It’s Healthy:
One cup of chopped cabbage has just 22 calories, and it’s loaded with valuable nutrients. At the top of the list is sulforaphane, a chemical that increases your body’s production of enzymes that disarm cell-damaging free radicals and reduce your risk of cancer. In fact, Stanford University scientists determined that sulforaphane boosts your levels of these cancer-fighting enzymes higher than any other plant chemical.
How to Eat It: Put cabbage on your burgers to add a satisfying crunch. Or, for an even better sandwich topping or side salad, try an Asian-style slaw. Here’s what you’ll need.
4 Tbsp peanut or canola oil
Juice of two limes
1 Tbsp sriracha, an Asian chili sauce you can find in the international section of your grocery store
1 head napa cabbage, finely chopped or shredded
1/4 cup toasted peanuts
1/2 cup shredded carrots
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
Whisk together the oil, lime juice, and sriracha. Combine the remaining ingredients in a large mixing bowl and toss with the dressing to coat. Refrigerate for 20 minutes before serving. The slaw will keep in your fridge for 2 days.
These grungy-looking roots are naturally sweeter than any other vegetable, which means they pack tons of flavor underneath their rugged exterior.
Why They’re Healthy: Think of beets as red spinach. Just like Popeye’s powerfood, this crimson vegetable is one of the best sources of both folate and betaine. These two nutrients work together to lower your blood levels of homocysteine, an inflammatory compound that can damage your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease. Plus, the natural pigments—called betacyanins—that give beets their color have been proved to be potent cancer fighters in laboratory mice.
How to Eat Them: Fresh and raw, not from a jar. Heating beets actually decreases their antioxidant power. For a simple single-serving salad, wash and peel one beet, and then grate it on the widest blade of a box grater. Toss with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the juice of half a lemon. You can eat the leaves and stems, which are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Simply cut off the stems just below the point where the leaves start, and wash thoroughly. They’re now ready to be used in a salad. Or, for a side dish, sauté the leaves, along with a minced clove of garlic and a tablespoon of olive oil, in a sauté pan over medium-high heat. Cook until the leaves are wilted and the stems are tender. Season with salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice, and sprinkle with fresh Parmesan cheese.
Guava is an obscure tropical fruit that’s subtly acidic, with sweetness that intensifies as you eat your way to the center.
Why it’s Healthy: Guava has a higher concentration of lycopene—an antioxidant that fights prostate cancer—than any other plant food, including tomatoes and watermelon. In addition, 1 cup of the stuff provides 688 milligrams (mg) of potassium, which is 63 percent more than you’ll find in a medium banana. And guava may be the ultimate high-fiber food: There’s almost 9 grams (g) of fiber in every cup.
How to Eat It: Down the entire fruit, from the rind to the seeds. It’s all edible—and nutritious. The rind alone has more vitamin C than you’d find in the flesh of an orange. You can score guava in the produce section of higher-end supermarkets or in Latin grocery stores.
Swiss Chard
Hidden in the leafy-greens cooler of your market, you’ll find this slightly bitter, salty vegetable, which is actually native to the Mediterranean.
Why It’s Healthy: A half cup of cooked Swiss chard provides a huge amount of both lutein and zeaxanthin, supplying 10 mg each. These plant chemicals, known as carotenoids, protect your retinas from the damage of aging, according to Harvard researchers. That’s because both nutrients, which are actually pigments, appear to accumulate in your retinas, where they absorb the type of shortwave light rays that can damage your eyes. So the more lutein and zeaxanthin you eat, the better your internal eye protection will be.
How to Eat It: Chard goes great with grilled steaks and chicken, and it also works well as a bed for pan-seared fish. Wash and dry a bunch of Swiss chard, and then chop the leaves and stems into 1-inch pieces. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a large sauté pan or wok, and add two garlic cloves that you’ve peeled and lightly crushed. When the oil smokes lightly, add the chard. Sauté for 5 to 7 minutes, until the leaves wilt and the stems are tender. Remove the garlic cloves and season the chard with salt and pepper
This old-world spice usually reaches most men’s stomachs only when it’s mixed with sugar and stuck to a roll.
Why It’s Healthy: Cinnamon helps control your blood sugar, which influences your risk of heart disease. In fact, USDA researchers found that people with type-2 diabetes who consumed 1 g of cinnamon a day for 6 weeks (about 1/4 teaspoon each day) significantly reduced not only their blood sugar but also their triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol. Credit the spice’s active ingredients, methylhydroxychalcone polymers, which increase your cells’ ability to metabolize sugar by up to 20 times.
How to Eat It: You don’t need the fancy oils and extracts sold at vitamin stores; just sprinkle the stuff that’s in your spice rack (or in the shaker at Starbucks) into your coffee or on your oatmeal.
Although the FDA classifies purslane as a broad-leaved weed, it’s a popular vegetable and herb in many other countries, including China, Mexico, and Greece.
Why It’s Healthy: Purslane has the highest amount of heart-healthy omega-3 fats of any edible plant, according to researchers at the University of Texas at San Antonio. The scientists also report that this herb has 10 to 20 times more melatonin—an antioxidant that may inhibit cancer growth—than any other fruit or vegetable tested.
How to Eat It: In a salad. Think of purslane as a great alternative or addition to lettuce: The leaves and stems are crisp, chewy, and succulent, and they have a mild lemony taste. Look for it at your local farmer’s market, or Chinese or Mexican market. It’s also available at some Whole Foods stores, as an individual leafy green or in premade salad mixes.
Pomegranate Juice
A popular drink for decades in the Middle East, pomegranate juice has become widely available only recently in the United States.
Why It’s Healthy: Israeli scientists discovered that men who downed just 2 ounces of pomegranate juice daily for a year decreased their systolic (top number) blood pressure by 21 percent and significantly improved bloodflow to their hearts. What’s more, 4 ounces provides 50 percent of your daily vitamin C needs.
How to Drink It:
Try 100 percent pomegranate juice from Pom Wonderful. It contains no added sugars, and because it’s so powerful, a small glassful is all you need. List of retailers, go to
Goji Berries
These raisin-size fruits are chewy and taste like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry. More important, these potent berries have been used as a medicinal food in Tibet for over 1,700 years.
Why They’re Healthy: Goji berries have one of the highest ORAC ratings—a method of gauging antioxidant power—of any fruit, according to Tufts University researchers. And although modern scientists began to study this ancient berry only recently, they’ve found that the sugars that make goji berries sweet reduce insulin resistance—a risk factor of diabetes—in rats.
How to Eat Them: Mix dried or fresh goji berries with a cup of plain yogurt, sprinkle them on your oatmeal or cold cereal, or enjoy a handful by themselves. Find them at specialty supermarkets or at
Dried Plums
You may know these better by the moniker “prunes,” which are indelibly linked with nursing homes and bathroom habits. And that explains why, in an effort to revive this delicious fruit’s image, producers now market them under another name.
Why They’re Healthy: Prunes contain high amounts of neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids, antioxidants that are particularly effective at combating the “superoxide anion radical.” This nasty free radical causes structural damage to your cells, and such damage is thought to be one of the primary causes of cancer.
How to Eat Them: As an appetizer. Wrap a paper-thin slice of prosciutto around each dried plum and secure with a toothpick. Bake in a 400°F oven for 10 to 15 minutes, until the plums are soft and the prosciutto is crispy. Most of the fat will cook off, and you’ll be left with a decadent-tasting treat that’s sweet, savory, and healthy.
Pumpkin Seeds

These jack-o’-lantern waste products are the most nutritious part of the pumpkin.
Why They’re Healthy: Downing pumpkin seeds is the easiest way to consume more magnesium. That’s important because French researchers recently determined that men with the highest levels of magnesium in their blood have a 40 percent lower risk of early death than those with the lowest levels. And on average, men consume 353 mg of the mineral daily, well under the 420 mg minimum recommended by the USDA.

How to Eat Them: Whole, shells and all. (The shells provide extra fiber.) Roasted pumpkin seeds contain 150 mg of magnesium per ounce; add them to your regular diet and you’ll easily hit your daily target of 420 mg. Look for them in the snack or health-food section of your grocery store, next to the peanuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds.

Antioxidants, Explained
The science is clear:
Plant foods are good for you. And the credit often goes to chemicals they produce called antioxidants. Just as the name suggests, antioxidants help protect your cells against oxidation. Think of oxidation as rust. This rust is caused by free radicals, which are unstable oxygen atoms that attack your cells, inducing DNA damage that leads to cancer. Thankfully, antioxidants help stabilize free radicals, which keeps the rogue atoms from harming your cells. So by eating more antioxidant-rich foods, you’ll boost the amount of the disease-fighting chemicals floating in your bloodstream. The result: Every bite fortifies your body with all-natural preventive medicine.


Reference:  Men’s Health Magazine & Eat This? Not That!  – May 2011

Glutathione: Levels for Health, Strength & Optimal Performance

anti-aging, Fitness, Free Radicals, nutrition, performance, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin March 30th, 2011

Glutathione is the master anti-oxidant in the body which supports health, enhances tissue and muscle repair,increases strength & endurance and slows the aging of cells.

What can reducing the oxidative process on the body mean for the athlete?

Many world-class athletes are discovering the importance of glutathione, which when maintained, gives them the edge over the competition. Increased glutathione levels provides athletes with increased strength and endurance, decreased recovery time from injury, less pain and fatigue and possibly an increase in muscle-promoting activities. During workouts, athletes generate free radicals which in turn lead to muscle fatigue and poorer performance. Glutathione neutralizes these radicals and allows our bodies to recover faster. Recent research indicates that the body has a natural tendency toward many degenerative diseases and aging itself. Some believe how well the body can protect itself from damage and recover from oxidative damage can be determined by measuring the intracellular stores of Glutathione.

Dietary Choices are the Key


Scientists have long been aware of the wide array of health benefits from the Indian spice turmeric, which is a source of the active phytochemical curcumin. This bioactive substance of Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) contains “Curcuminoids” and Curcumin is the most important molecule. Research has shown its tremendous health benefit. Antioxidants have received increased attention, and it’s important to know what nutrients are antioxidants, and information about them. One such nutrient is curcumin.  Curcumin is a natural extract from the spice turmeric. Turmeric is derived from the plant Curcuma Longa, a member of the ginger family. Curcumin is employed mostly as an antioxidant; though it was traditionally used to promote stomach and joint comfort. The immune-balancing activity of curcumin has been demonstrated through multiple mechanisms to support normal COX-2 and NF-KappaB levels in the body. The neuroprotective properties of curcumin are among the most studied. Curcumin has been designated as a ‘strong candidate’ for the promotion of neurological health and cognitive function. Curcumin can cross the blood-brain barrier and support the normal uptake of amyloid-beta in the brain. This supports the brain’s memory and learning abilities as we age. Another neuroprotective property of curcumin is its ability to promote normal levels of glutathione, superoxide dismutase and catalase in the brain. This can help to maintain the health of neurological tissues. Curcumin supports the normal production of Phase II liver detoxification enzymes, including glutathione synthase, heme-oxygenase and catalase. The liver plays several roles in detoxification: it filters the blood to remove large toxins, synthesizes and secretes bile full of cholesterol and other fat-soluble toxins, and enzymatically disassembles unwanted chemicals. This enzymatic process usually occurs in two steps referred to as phase I and phase II. They promote the body’s natural enzyme antioxidant defense systems and function as a powerful indirect antioxidant. These enzymes promote the body’s normal metabolism of harmful chemicals such as heavy metals, toxins and pollutants into less reactive molecules. Curcumin has also been shown to promote normal hepatic tissue repair.


The health benefits and protective properties of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables have been well documented over the past 25 years. Broccoli is a potent source of sulphoraphane glucosinolates. Sulforaphanes support the normal production of Phase II liver detoxification enzymes, including glutathione synthase, heme-oxygenase and catalase. Sulphoraphanes promote the body’s natural enzyme antioxidant defense systems and function as a powerful indirect antioxidant. Sulphoraphanes work to support gene transcription, which is the process by which genetic information is copied from DNA to RNA, resulting in a specific protein formation. Conclusively, sulphoraphanes work to support the body’s natural defense systems and to maintain elevated levels of glutathione.

Glutathione is the master antioxidant of the body. It is an important chemical that acts as a powerful antioxidant to preserve and protect the brain and other body tissues by protecting them from the damage of free radicals. It also acts to recycle vitamin C & E which also reduce free radicals. Since glutathione cannot be absorbed intact orally due to gastrointestinal degradation, sulphoraphanes may be the most effective way to increase endogenous glutathione concentration.


Selenium is a required cofactor for selenoproteins such as glutathione peroxidase.  Selenomethionine is incorporated directly into proteins because selenomethionine cannot be distinguished from methionine during the translation of mRNA into protein. This serves as a storage form of selenium and is liberated upon protein catabolism. Selenium accumulates in the prostate, promoting the health of the prostate. Selenium supports immune function by promoting normal growth and development of T helper cells.  Selenium is naturally found in walnuts, brazil nuts, seafood, tuna, beef, spaghetti, turkey, eggs, oatmeal, rice, noodles and several types of cheese.

Best Zero Calorie Flavor Nutrition Boosters for Health –

anti-aging, Fitness, Free Radicals, nutrition, performance, Recovery - Repair | Posted by admin February 10th, 2011

Want to boost nutrition, health and up your culinary game at the same time? Fresh herbs are the perfect prescription. They’re packed with nutrients that have been shown to boost brainpower, increase your inner organ functionality, and protect you against diseases like asthma and arthritis. The best part is that knowing how to wield them well guarantees a super flavor boost to any meal you make. Delicious!


The Benefit: Basil is rich in antioxidants that mop up cell-damaging free radicals inside the body. This can help prevent a host of unwanted conditions, such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and high cholesterol. Basil also contains oils that prevent bacteria growth and inflammation.

The Blueprint: Make fresh pesto by blending 2 cups fresh basil leaves with 2 tablespoons pine nuts, ¼ cup Parmesan, and ¼ cup olive oil.


The Benefit: Thank the menthol in peppermint for the plant’s ability to clear phlegm and mucus from the bronchial tract to facilitate easy breathing. And also for soothing indigestion, gas, menstrual cramps, and irritable bowel syndrome.

The Blueprint: Brighten up a batch of fruit salad with a squeeze of lime and handful of chopped mint leaves.


The Benefit: Like rosemary, sage is known to strengthen memory. The rosemerinic acid in these plants also works to preserve your body by protecting your cells from oxidative damage and alleviating the effects of asthma and arthritis.

The Blueprint: For a quick pasta sauce, melt a pat of butter in a pan until it bubbles and turns light brown, then add a handful of whole sage leaves. Toss with store-bought cheese or pumpkin ravioli.


The Benefit: Call it the smart spice. Many people swear by rosemary’s ability to increase cognitive functioning, and researchers in California have identified carnosic acid as an active ingredient in rosemary that can offset cognitive degeneration, protect against Alzheimer’s, and prevent stroke.

The Blueprint: Mix together minced rosemary, garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil. Use as a marinade for chicken, steak, pork, and vegetables.


The Benefit: This tiny herb is extremely rich in iron, which is crucial to your body’s ability to transport oxygen. Just 2 teaspoons contain 20 percent of your daily intake. Plus, seasoning with thyme helps protect food from bacterial contamination.

The Blueprint: Thyme is the ultimate utility player, pairing great with roasted meat and vegetables, tomato sauce, and scrambled eggs.


The Benefit: In mice studies, coriander seeds, from the cilantro plant, encouraged the pancreas to produce more insulin-the hormone that helps shuttle glucose into the cells to be burned as energy. This prevents excess blood sugars from being stored as fat. Cilantro leaves have the same benefits.

The Blueprint: Chop up a few tomatoes, an onion, and a jalapeño and mix with a heap of cilantro for a versatile fresh salsa.


The Benefit: By increasing the secretion of bile and acids into the stomach, tarragon improves gastric efficiency and whets the appetite. Because of this, it’s best used early in the meal as an appetizer.

The Blueprint: Grill up a mixture of vegetables-onions, peppers, squash, asparagus-and sprinkle them with fresh goat cheese, tarragon, lemon juice, and olive oil.


The Benefit: A USDA study found that when adjusted for weight, it had four times the antioxidant activity of blueberries. That means big cancer-fighting potential for your next pizza or pasta sauce.

The Blueprint: Add equal parts fresh parsley and oregano to a blender and, with the motor running, slowly drizzle in olive or canola oil. Strain and use the infused oil to top grilled fish or chicken or as a dip for toasted bread.


The Benefit: These dainty leaves are highly concentrated with luteolin, a powerful flavonoid with anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers at the University of Illinios found that luteolin decreased inflammation in the brain, which helps prevent decline in cognitive functions.

The Blueprint: Chop a bushel and mix it with bulgur wheat. Add olive oil, lemon juice, and mint and you have a tasty tabbouleh salad to pair with grilled fish or meat.

Ref:  Eat This, Not That! from Mens Health News